My FreeDOS applications
These apps are not packaged like the rest on this site. Links go to the github repositories. Some have binaries available, others, not so much.
- Amb-Utils - Small FreeDOS utilities for Mateusz Viste’s AMB (Ancient Machine Book) e-book format.
- The AMB and AMBPACK utilities are prerequisites.
- Ambrary - a simple launcher menu for your .AMB files.
- Ambtitle - Indexes your AMB files so that Ambrary can display them as tiels rather than filenames.
- A small collection of AMB files.
- Clumsier - a lightweight FreeBASIC IDE for console on FreeDOS or Linux, written in FreeBASIC itself.
- Requires FreeBASIC to compile it.
- LN - A fake symlink creator for DOS
- LN for DOS approximates the symlink command on UNIX-like operating systems by creating batch files.
- Requires QuickBASIC 4.5/PDS 7.1 or FreeBASIC to compile it.
- QBASDOWN - a Markdown implementation for FreeDOS.
- Written for FreeDOS in QuickBASIC 4.5.
- QBASDOWN is distributed as QuickBASIC source code and released as a single OS executable, called QBASDOWN.EXE.
- A 64-bit Linux version is also available.
- The long-term goal is to implement all of Gruber’s original Markdown, plus selected extensions from MultiMarkdown and other developments, a few modest ideas of my own, and some prettyprinting. Technically, I suppose that means I am inventing a new dialect of Markdown. Fame at last!